Cool weather has brought additional birds to the feeder in the backyard. One reason seems to be the peanuts that I added this year. My husband’s adorable family enjoys a round of Dirty Santa each Christmas. I usually won’t steal since I like to dive under the tree for an unopened gift, but if someone steals from me, then I delight in getting something fabulous in return. This year, I took a bird feeder and food. Getting home, I found that it was a bag of peanuts from Wild Birds Unlimited. True to its name, I have seen an unlimited amount of birds since then. The photos are shot through a double-pane glass, so I apologize for the translucency.
The Tufted Titmouse is a frequent visitor, but it doesn’t stay still very long.
Robin Redbreast was an early guest this year, staying until the food is gone. I have to replenish once he’s had his fill.

The cardinal stays year-round. He seemed comfortable hanging out near the poinsettias.
The woodpeckers are drawn to the suet and peanuts.

The wren I know well and love dearly. I’m not sure what the grey and white birdie is. He has a yellow patch on his rump and under his wing. He has quite an attitude, too. Look at that expression!
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